Vote for Clean Water, Good Jobs, and Climate Solutions in West Virginia on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024!

Clean air and water, a healthy economy, and addressing climate change are non-partisan issues. Your vote is your voice! By participating in elections, you can help ensure that West Virginia prioritizes clean water, sustainable jobs, and investments in climate solutions. Whether you're a first-time voter or a seasoned pro, we have the resources you need to ensure your vote counts in 2024.

Why Your Vote Matters

West Virginia's future depends on the decisions we make today, and many of those decisions happen at the local level. Voting isn’t just about choosing the next president or governor—it’s about electing leaders who will shape our communities. From county commissioners to school boards, city councils to county commissioners, local officials make decisions that directly affect clean water, public health, sustainable development, and even climate policies.

These downballot elections determine the allocation of resources, implementation of environmental laws and regulations, and how to grow our local economies in ways that create good-paying jobs while safeguarding our natural resources. Your vote in these races can make a real difference in protecting our environment and building a stronger, healthier West Virginia for generations to come. Here’s what we’re voting for this election:

Climate Change in West Virginia

  • Flooding: West Virginia is one of the most flood-prone states in the nation, with climate change exacerbating the intensity and frequency of floods. These events devastate homes, businesses, and infrastructure, costing millions in damages each year. Voting for leaders committed to climate action can help mitigate these impacts and protect our communities.

  • Drought: This year, West Virginia is at the center of a drought that has devastated farmers and led to some communities running low on drinking water supplies. Climate change models predict fluctuations between drought and flooding will likely increase in severity if climate change solutions are not implemented. These extreme weather events can be prevented if we vote for leaders who make climate change mitigation a top priority.  

  • Orphaned and Leaking Gas Wells: Thousands of orphaned and leaking gas wells are scattered across West Virginia, many of which pose significant risks to water quality and public health. These wells leak methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and other harmful chemicals into the environment. Voting for policies that prioritize the cleanup of these sites can reduce pollution and create jobs in reclamation efforts.

  • Access to Clean Water: Climate change impacts West Virginia's water systems, with droughts and pollution affecting water quality and availability. Protecting our water resources through climate-conscious policies ensures all West Virginians access to clean, safe drinking water.

Clean Water

  • Water Quality Concerns: Harmful "forever chemicals" (PFAS) contaminate over 130 water systems in West Virginia, endangering the health of our communities. Clean water is not just a necessity—it's a right. Your vote can help ensure stronger protections for our water sources.

  • Stream Protection: West Virginia has over 50,000 miles of rivers and streams, vital for drinking water, recreation, and wildlife. However, 6,700 miles of streams are impaired with water quality that does not meet the standards. Voting for candidates who prioritize clean water will help protect these essential resources for future generations.

Good Jobs and a Healthy Environment

  • Economic Opportunity: West Virginia can have both a strong economy and a healthy environment. Investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable industries can create thousands of good-paying jobs while preserving our natural resources. For example, the renewable energy sector employs over 8,000 West Virginians, which could grow significantly with the right policies.

  • Environmental Justice: Protecting our environment means more than just preserving our landscapes; it's about ensuring that every West Virginian has access to clean air, water, and a healthy place to live. By voting, you can support policies that create sustainable jobs and protect the health of our communities.

West Virginia Voter Resources

Important Voting Deadlines in WV

Additional Nationwide Voting Resources

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Note: This page was developed in partnership with WV Rivers Coalition, West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund, The Downstream Project, and the National Wildlife Federation for educational and informational purposes only. We do not endorse or oppose any candidates or political parties.